Wild Fusion


The beautiful wild garlic flower seen close up during Spring 2023. The muted colouring and dreamy tone of this image make it a lovely serene piece of wall art.

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This image is available to order in A1, A2, A3, and A4 print sizes. Prints are custom made by me, printed on Smooth Pearl 290gsm professional photo paper. The paper has a bright white base, and a ‘lustre’ finish that is somewhere between matt, and gloss.

Note that these images are not supplied with Frames

I can frame images for you for an additional cost – please contact me if you would like me to do so for a full quote.

Prints are supplied wrapped in cellophane for protection, and shipped in an individual presentation box. Prints will be supplied with a white border to allow for mounting directly into a standard size frame ( A2, A3, A4 ) – The border will be 25mm. If you do not require the border, please add a note to your order, and I can supply a borderless image.

All of my prints are generated on a professional Epson printer, with a calibrated monitor to ensure colour accuracy. Please note that the colours of your monitor may display the print slightly differently depending on whether your monitor is calibrated correctly. As I control the printing manufacture for my images, I take great care to ensure that the print is closely matched to any digital version of my images.

Prints up to A2 are supplied in a presentation box for UK, and Europe. A1, and Panoramic prints are supplied in a postal tube to keep costs reasonable.

I am able to supply larger versions of any images for sale on my site – please contact me – enquiries@mark-price.photography – I will do my best to help you with your requirements.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have relating to ordering prints from me. Thank you.

Additional information

Print Size

A4, A3, A2, A1


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